No, Obama Did Not Purge the Military


President Barack Obama looks on a IPad with his aides while in a service elevator.

When I recently called Donald Trump’s recent firings amongst the Joint Chiefs of Staff a purge of military officers, I received criticism that President Obama did the same, and purged 197 generals from the ranks over five years.

From what I have found, this didn’t happen.

Where Did the Claim Come From?

The only source I could find making this claim was a 2013 editorial (i.e. an opinion piece) at Investor’s Business Daily called Obama’s Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years.

The editorial claims,

What the president calls “my military” is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful.

This should be verifiable, so I tried to look at the list.

The editor claims it was posted on the Facebook page of Breitbart, a far-right media outlet. But the article has no link, and I could not find it by searching Breitbart’s social media or content. The closest I could find was a November 2013 article, Is Obama Purging the Military of Dissent? This article also mentions vague fears of “a purge” happening, but names no officers fired except for General Stanley McChrystal in 2010, and it certainly has no list of 197 names on it.

Back in the Investor’s Business Daily editorial,

Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the Obama administration this year, leading to speculation by active and retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is under way.

Seeing as how I couldn’t find the list in question, I dug into the names the editorial and others provided, and I added a few more that I uncovered.

Partial List of Relieved General and Flag Officers

The following is a partial list of general and flag officers relieved, in chronological order, during the Obama administration. I have included the time of relief, role they were relieved from, a short description of why, and a verifiable source to back up my claim.

If you have more you would like added to the list, please let me know.

General David D. McKiernan (May, 2009)

  • Commander, International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan
  • Disagreed with both Secretary of Defense Bob Gates and CJCS Admiral Mike Mullen over the new strategy in Afghanistan
  • Removed by Secretary Gates who believed they needed new leadership in the mission
  • Source: Gates fires wartime general (Spokesman-Review)

General Stanly A. McChrystal (June, 2010)

Major General C.M.M. Gurganus and Major General Gregg A. Sturdevant (September, 2012)

Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette (October, 2012)

  • Commander, Stennis Carrier Strike Group
  • Exercised abusive leadership and made racially insensitive remarks and emails
  • Source: Inspector General Report

Major General Ralph Baker (April, 2013)

General James Mattis (March, 2013)

Brigadier General Bryan Roberts (May, 2013)

  • Commander, Fort Jackson in South Carolina
  • Charges of adultery, two inappropriate relationships, and a physical altercation with another woman who was not his wife
  • Relieved by Gen. Robert W. Cone, Commander of the Army Training and Doctrine Command in Fort Eustis, VA, not President Obama
  • Source: Army relieves Fort Jackson general (AP), Inspector General Report

Lieutenant General David Holmes Huntoon, Jr. (June, 2013)

  • Superintendent, United States Military Academy at West Point
  • Improperly used Government personnel for other than official purposes, improperly accepted gifts of services from subordinates, and misused his position to induce a benefit to a friend.
  • Source: Inspector General Report

General Carter F. Ham (June, 2013)

Vice Admiral Tim Giardina (September, 2013)

Major General Michael Carey (October, 2013)

  • Commander, 20th Air Force
  • While on a work trip to Moscow, engaged in inappropriate personal conduct including drinking and fraternizing women, and made disparaging comments about the Russian military
  • Source: Inspector General Report

General John R. Allen (February, 2013)


The vast majority of generals and admirals relieved during Obama’s presidency were for misconduct. Only two (McKiernan and Mattis) were removed for disagreements on policy that extended directly to the positions they occupied.

While it is certainly possible that these or other generals either disliked or disagreed with President Obama, the record doesn’t support that the military was, as the Investor’s Business Daily editor stated,

cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful.

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