Category: Department of Defense

News related to military affairs, primarily regarding the U.S. Department of Defense.

  • No, Obama Did Not Purge the Military

    No, Obama Did Not Purge the Military

    When I recently called Donald Trump’s recent firings amongst the Joint Chiefs of Staff a purge of military officers, I received criticism that President Obama did the same, and purged 197 generals from the ranks over five years. From what I have found, this didn’t happen. Where Did the Claim Come From? The only source… Read more

  • Trump and Hegseth Begin Purging Military Officers

    Trump and Hegseth Begin Purging Military Officers

    Trump and Hegseth have begun purging senior military officers today. Amongst those relieved (all for political reasons, not cause), include: Additionally, the following Judge Advocates General will likely be removed based on Hegseth’s memo calling for nominations: The memo also called for a nomination for Navy JAG. RADM Lia M. Reynolds (the Deputy JAG) is… Read more